Monday, November 29, 2010
A Lovely Memory Keepsake Box
Posted by Micah at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Christmas Adoption Fundraiser
Super Thanks!!!
Posted by Micah at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
I was wide awake from 3-4:30am....
with a ton on my heart! God stirred my heart. I got a random call this week from a lady seeking a massage for her son (I'm a professional massage therapist), but she continued and asked if I needed help advertising my business. I kindly said, "no, but I could use your help with something else." So we talked about adoption and raising awareness. It was a great talk and I'm excited about what may come from it. But as I lay in bed this morning my heart wept for the African orphans and their daily struggles (that being to just stay alive). We take so much for granted in the US. Even me...yes me...who has seen first hand poverty stricken Africa. I've seen the children with distended bellies. I seen little African children run to the food trucks and sit and wait for kernals of maze and corn to fall...I've watched them gather every last one and roll it into their shirt (if they were lucky to have a shirt) they wouldn't drop it. I've witnessed a very ill child being taken to the local "hospital" to die....and I've also seen the 100's of rocks that lay on the ground outside the hospital as headstones. I've given countless Africans a $3 medication for Malaria...that saved their life...and I've cried for the thousands who didn't get this cheap medicine and died. Its sooo different to hear about it vs actually witnessing it. But even having witnessed all of that...I fell into the trap. I've been very sick this I ran a tub of HOT water with some essential oils in it to help loosen all that yucky stuff...and as I lay there...I found myself thinking...geez...I wish I had a tub to stretch out in. I stopped myself immediately and said, "oh sorry very stupid, selfish, and not so thoughtful of me! Thank you Lord that I have a tub, that I have running WARM CLEAN water to SOAK in. And the same to DRINK" Shame on me! I realize everyday I'm a work in progress...God is teaching me so much through this adoption. Will you allow him to move in your heart and show you all that you are blessed with this Thanksgiving month? (Please share leaving a comment)
On another note...
My daughter signed on with Teen Missons travel to Africa to wash the feet of orphans and put NEW shoes on them. I'm sooo excited about what God will do in her heart.
So now your opportunity to help orphans in Africa has grown a bit! You can donate to our adoption and be part of changing one or maybe two (whatever the Lord wants) lives. An international adoption cost roughly $30,000.00 Unfortunately we don't have that kind of money laying around....but we trust God to help provide every single penny to make this happen. can help my teen with her funds. She has to raise $5,000.00! More info to come on that.
Have a blessed Jesus Day!!!
Posted by Micah at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Artwork for African orphans.
Feel free to email me ( a customized request! It may cost a tad more depending on what you want and how easy or hard it is to find!!
Posted by Micah at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My heart and mind still yearn for that special child...
Many probably wonder..."Are the Freys still adopting?" "I haven't heard anything lately." Or at least that is what my "mind-reading" mind is thinking. We are, we are! We just want to follow God's timing...and we all know how that works. Let's just say...not like our's, not even a little bit! Our friends moved here (which I'm sure I posted some pics of) and every time I see those two precious babies...I am reminded that I have a purpose...not yet fulfilled.
Adoption has lots of emotions to it. And we are just beginning. On good days with my kiddos...I feel I can take on two or three more homeless children. Give them a home of comfort, joy, peace, and love. On not-so-good days (and we all have them, don't kid yourself) I say to myself..."really God? Me? You want of adopt your orphan children?" And before I go to sleep...sometimes w/ tears, sometimes without...He and Brett (Brett is a very important component in helping me validate what is real or just natural effects of overworked, over tired mommy syndrome) both gently remind me...that God has a divine purpose. He absolutely does and I'm all about HIS Will for my life...even if I'm not sure what it is...its a FAITH walk.
Its too easy to allow Satan to convince me that I shouldn't adopt if I'm NOT the "has it all-together, patient as Job, rich as __________, self-disciplined as _______, kind of mommy...and my kids must be obedient all the time and respectful no matter what or I'm not fit to adopt." I have days when I can buy that hook-line and sinker. Because I am aware of the challenges of adoption. I am not one to be naive and think its a smooth sailing cake walk. But I refuse to allow Satan to generate foolish fear within me and keep me from accomplishing what God deams as a pure and faultless take care of his orphans and windows in their distress. The day will come! Till then I pray and dream for that special child (or children) that my heart and mind yearn for.
Posted by Micah at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Adopting the right attitude
Life can be somewhat of crazy journey. The beginning of the year was filled with tons of excitement as we filled tons of paper work and attended training classes for our adoption. We found ourselves smack dab in the middle of our adoption...which wasn't exactly where we were planning to be that quickly. The good Lord has a way of slowing things down and putting you right back where he wants you...and He did! We were, maybe I should say I...was very apprehensive because I had felt from day one the Lord was whispering "allow me to show myself to you, let me show my faithfulness to you." So I pushed to move forward. Stubborn strong willed myself most often think God is saying one thing...when He really meant something else. Hubby was very content to take a step back on our adoption journey. I on the hand felt like I wasn't allowing God to "show himself" if we stepped back. It took awhile before I gained the peace of heart that hubby had to "let go and let God." But it was then that I realize...I am doing exactly that...allowing God to show himself Faithful! So today...we are still riding the waves. Our hearts are still in love with Africa and her orphans. I read something about Africa almost everyday...and I shed tears for a nation that is poverty sticken and yet joyful. I have a shirt that says, "I need Africa more than Africa needs me." And its true in the sense of spirit...not money or food, but spirit. I'm not good with words to be able to explain exactly what that means but you feel it, see it and sense it when you are among the Africans.
I have been conversing with a lady from northern Illinois for some months now and she moved here a little over a week ago. She has adopted twins from Africa. I can't begin to tell you how Eli and Ruthie remind me...everytime I see them...what my hearts longs for. They keep it real for me, they allow me not to forgot what God has planted in my heart. Not that forgetting would ever happen. I know meeting them has been a God thing from day one. It was in the pit of taking a step back when I recieved an email from Jeanne. "Hi...saw in the church email that you are adopting from Ethiopia. My family and I are moving to your area and we have adopted twins from Ethiopia." SERIOUSLY! God you have the most unique ways of connecting people and keeping life real! Wow! I went from being in the slump to knowing that God knows exactly what he is doing.
Where are we now? We are riding the waves. We are waiting for God. We are still fundraising...taking donations and selling shirts. We still pray for the children. We still dream. We are commited to looking for an agency in the Spring. Then we will let go and let God.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support; The Freys.
Posted by Micah at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Completely frustrated with this blog!
Well, it removed the link to buy shirts! Has a stupid photo bucket thing on it that I can't get removed...grrr. Enough!
Posted by Micah at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
And the winner is....
We finalize our Mother's Day Gift Basket Raffle Saturday night. May 1st as promised...just in time for Mother's Day. I collected approx $500 worth of donations...for the basket. It was awesome. I must say...if I had been on the recieving end of the basket...I would have been in bliss for months. Lots of goodies. Super thanks to all the people and businesses for their donations. Ok...the winner!
They attend our church. Mel is pregnant with their fourth child. They are a super sweet couple. I am so happy for them.
We did have a garage sale in Oakland this past weekend after all! I sat with it Friday till 2pm-ish. And my Mom and my Aunt sat with it Saturday. SUPER THANKS TO MOM AND AUNT LESA FOR THEIR HELP AND SUPPORT. It didn't rain on us! We have approx $200.00 so it was worth our time. It may not sound like a lot, but that much money can file some paper work, or take care of two required finger printing for the adoption.
Friday afternoon Brett and I headed for Champaign for the big May 1 CU Marathon! We stayed overnight so we wouldn't have the hour drive Saturday morning before the race. We ate out at Biaggis. Brett spoils me, this is my FAVORITE place to eat. They have the smoothest wine and the BEST spaghetti ever! We also hit the race expo...they are seriously some crazy things out there. Ever head of Power Balance? Read about it online...pretty sure its a hoax, but I was convinced there for a bit!
Posted by Micah at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A little update...
A few quick things as my 20 month old baby girl is pulling out the Crazy Monkey Game and its only 6:45am! And no breakfast yet...not sure what she is thinking!!!!
We are having our raffle drawing this Saturday May 1st for our Mothers Day a ticket quick if you want in on the excitement!!!! $500 worth of goodies!
I think I'm going to cancel the garage sale set for this coming weekend, b/c its suppose to rain and on top of that Brett is running a full I really want to be there to support him. We have another set for June 5th at the Charleston Warehouse.
We had an awesome generous $300 donation from one of Brett's friends. God is faithful all the time...he works on his time table, not ours.
We finished out International Hague training. All 10 hours of it...its good for three years...sooo happy to have that completed.
Off to make my babies breakfast. I think I need to get up earlier!
Posted by Micah at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
We are raffling a $500 Mother's Day Gift Basket! Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20! Drawing will be held May the winner will have Basket in time for Mother's Day. Thank you for helping fund our adoption. :)
Posted by Micah at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
In Ethiopia...
a generation of adults is dying leaving behind an estimated 4.8 million orphaned children. Source:
Posted by Micah at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Lots to write about....
I'm kickin back and having a relaxing Sunday morning...decided to hit the 11am service, just so its not a rushed morning. Brett went for a run this I was laying in bed it started to down pour...poor guy (although he loves to run in the rain)....I still felt sorry for him. He came home looking like a drowned rat.
Both babies climbed into bed with me about 6am. To have four feet and two bodies kicking and squirming isn't really comfy...but I must admit...I LOVE IT! I truly do...there is something about my babies coming to cuddle with me that makes me feel all mushy inside. It reminds me of baby chicks hiding under their mommy's wing. I think they knew Daddy was access into the bed was easy!
We had our garage sale fundraiser yesterday...but let me back up a bit. We have had a set back and are currently in the process of just taking a deep breather and waiting for God's direction on which agency to run with. We definitely still feel called to adopt. You see...our intial plan was not to start the process til Jan 2011, just so we could finish getting completely out of debt and start our room addition. But if you know me...I'm a bit compassionate and zealous for the orphans and have a very hard time setting still and waiting!!! Which in all honestly is probably contributed to the tension & struggles we have faced. Brett & I do have a peace about taking a step back and researching agencies and listening to people who have been through the process. It truly is...long and complicated!
The garage sale was another moment...where I can say...God wrapped his arms around Brett & I and truly BLESSED our efforts. I was amazed & so grateful for the people the Lord provided to make it a success. All of the shoppers that came where so interested and happy to hear about our adoption. And most seemed to understand how difficult it can be & how long it takes! Thank you shoppers!!! To my set up team on Mom, my Dad, my sister Felicia, my Pap, Sarah Upton and to my Grandma Peggy for staying at our home and keeping an ear out for our sleeping babies. To all the donations...I truly lost track of who all donated...but let me mom, my sister Tabitha, Shari & Sarah Upton, Crystal Watkins, Jessica Lutrell, Glee Helms...oh I know I'm forgetting someone! So sorry. To the crew who helped me the day of the mom, my Grandma Peggy, my hubby...who kept our kids and Keri Clapp...who kept our kids for three hours so Brett could come sit with me! To Jana Messer...who encouraged so many to buy raffle tickets for our Mothers Day Basket! To my clean up hubby, my mom and Bogey! Thank you alllllll! We each were a blessing to me and Brett.
Posted by Micah at 6:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We just....
Sold our first T-shirt!!!! Thank you for your support!
Posted by Micah at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
God's Faithfulnes...
Brett and I had an 8 hr adoption training this past Saturday in St. Louis. The morning session was fantastic...we learned all about the diseases and infections our children could have or may have been exposed to, and may even bring home with them! Very informative! We also learned about some resources that will made available to us for certain cases etc. The afternoon session covered a book "The Connected Child." And the fun issues and all crucial paper-pushin (which we have officially started!). All this to say...Brett and I were extremely tired on our ride home. Its an emotional process as well. We were informed of some financial things that we weren't really aware will have to hire an attorney once we come back to the States w/ our children and readopt them. Even though that sounds minor, its another several thousand that we hadn't antipated. It just weighed heavy on us. And for a second, there was the option to wait several months before continuing. I prayed about it for a bit of the ride and shared w/ Brett that I didn't feel we should. God...all along...has said...have faith in ME. (I am doing a Beth Moore Bible study "Believing God"...and he has really used this study to speak to my heart...many times). Pray Big, Expect Big! There is something to be said about asking others for financial help....humbling prehaps...I'm not sure what the right word is. We have known all along...this is A GOD THING. Sunday morning during the alter call I was stubborn and hesitant to go. Its soo much easier to go and pray with and for other people! I have been called to the alter for several weeks now, yep...very stubborn! Finally God pushed me out of my seat and I was on the alter giving it all to God. Every concern for every penny. Every concern involved in the whole process. And talk about a peace that surpasses all understanding...I received it! I left the concerns and the worries on the alter (ofcourse they try to follow me)! Two hours or less after being on the alter the Lord handed us a $400 check. He proves his faithfulness. Shame on us (me) for getting uptight and concerned about things. He truly is in charge of the big things and the little things. I take heart in knowing that God loves the orphans more than I do! I know he has a plan. Let God show is FAITHFULNESS to you!
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
We started our Hague training today!!! We got through Module 1 & 2...only five more to go!
Posted by Micah at 2:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Pray for Hope for can you help?
*There are approximately 5 million of the world's estimated 147 million orphans in Ethiopia alone.
*10% of infants die during or shortly after birth.
*One out of ten children die before reaching their 1st birthday.
*One out of eight die before reaching their 5th birthday.
*The median age in Ethiopia is 17.
* The average life expectancy is 45.
*The average family of 6-7 people lives in a 30 sq. meter mud and thatch hut.
*16% of the population lives on less than $1 a day.
*Half of Ethiopia's children will never attend school, and 88% never attend secondary school.
*Aids, hunger and poverty are driving families to give up; 1 in 3 adults are HIV+.
*Almost half of children under the age of 5 are malnourished.
*Over 1 million people died in the drought of 1984.
*A quarter of Ethiopia's population does not have access to clean drinking water--a major contributor to diseases
Posted by Micah at 5:45 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And we make cake...
This is a double layer banana cake with homemade cream cheese icing! I decided to keep this cake and give it to my sister in law for her b-day.
Posted by Micah at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentines Day Fundraiser Prep & Help!
We made flower arrangements, sugar cookies and tons of other little things. Lots of work go into fundraisers. Also I had a wonderful / terrific team helping me...they were amazing. A scrapbook lady (Donna) came from Champaign and sold some of her merchandise. Brook brought tons of beautiful Mary Kay decorated up for V-day (and Tammy helped her). And Beth came all the way from Decatur with homemade chocolates! I wish I would have taken some pictures there...but I didn't. :( I just want to give a HUGE thanks to the girls for being so wonderful and helping out, I appreciate each of you very much! And a special thanks to Brook for being such a wonderful friend and giving so much of herself to our adoption. You and people like you are what make the world a beautiful place. And for being such a good friend with a listening ear, I appreciate it. I also want to thank Julie Young for donating some Uppercase Living, Bells Floral, Lawyer Richey Floral, Country Market Charleston floral, Shannan Strode for homemade soaps and tats, & Towne Square Jewerly. I'm sorry if I forgot someone. :) We made a total of $770!!!!
Posted by Micah at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Mailed in the first of many payments to Bethany. And the process is beginning to feel as if it has officially started! :) Fundraiser this Saturday @ Salisbury church from 8am-noon. Its a Valentines Day shopping experience...we will have Mary Kay, massage gift certificates, flowers, plants, sweets...and much more! Come buy for your Valentine and help us make a difference!
Posted by Micah at 6:32 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Waiting Waiting Waiting...
For our Homestudy packet to come in the mail. Its fine really, I have plenty to do now without that mountain of paperwork. We have the Valentines Day Fundraiser coming up on Feb I have been preparing for that and fighting food poisioning, so I'm a peace with it taking its time to get here!
Posted by Micah at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Formal Application
APPROVED! all day Saturday training at the end of February & we can start our homestudy now! Every step is exciting!
Posted by Micah at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
What's happening now?
We submitted our formal application on Tues the now we wait for it to get approved. Brett remembered today that he forgot to delete the "xxx" where he was suppose to put in the bedroom it may get sent back to us to complete! Tonight a friend of mine is doing Mary Kay facials at our church & is donating all the donations and profits to our adoption. It was so nice of her to volunteer to do that!!!
Posted by Micah at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Feel free to ask us questions if you like. We may or may not answer them...pending a number of things...if we feel comfortable, if we know the answer etc. Please know that I am not doing this because I feel I must or that I have to explain myself...but b/c I want to!
One question I'm sure some are thinking..."Really? You guys are adopting...but you have two little ones and you guys can have children why adoption?"
Yes we can have children! Yes we have two little ones...Z is 17 months, E is 3, and K is 14. Although our children will not be this young when we adopt. Adoption takes time and our children will go through the process with us. Brett and I did a mission trip to Kenya (although we are adopting from Ethiopia) in 2005 and God started working on my heart then. I fell in love with Africa then and still love it today. Its been a journey already in our hearts. Now it becomes a journey to make it happen. God brought us here, he laid adoption upon our heart, and we believe He will bring us through. We know that anything is possible when God is on our side.
Adoption is a beautiful. There are so many children in the world that are without parents. And Brett & I & our family have so much to give...we have been so blessed that we want to share our blessings with the less fortunate...the fatherless.
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and windows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
E is sitting here on my lap in his jammies with his blanket...he wants to type....lp[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[pppppppppppppppppp
Posted by Micah at 2:38 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This week...
1/19/10 Our first offical-manditory adoption meeting with Bethany. Brett got off work early so we could head to St. Louis. We got there in plenty of time. We enjoyed a little supper @ Panera, one of my favorite places to eat! (And thanks to Zoey...I love Cinnamon Crunch bagel w/ Raspberry Cream cheese...try it, it rocks!) The meeting room was full of people. We were glad b/c the last informational meeting we went to for DCFS...we were the only ones! They also had a panel of parents who have adopted through their agency. It was neat to hear all the different stories and types of adoptions. We won a drawing for a $50 gas card! God is good. Brett & I live on a semi-tight budget doing the Dave Ramsey thing...and since it was the end of the pay period...$50 extra dollars for very welcome! Thank you God!
1/20/10...I was making homemade Banana Bread with Eli when all the sudden it hit me! I should (for fun, I was seriously thinking $5!) raffle off this loaf of bread to get Eli involved in the adoption. Because one day when he is older I want him to know he was a part of it all...even at his young age. So I sent out messages on my phone, facebook & email. We got a few bids & before I knew it the bread was going for $50, $75, $80, $100 between two women from our church! I was baffled! And my heart was warmed by the love of these two ladies. They each agreed to buy a loaf of bread. My "for fun" idea raised $200 towards our adoption!
1/21/10...Work day for me! A client and I got to talking and he was asking me all sorts of questions about adoption. And I kept feeling God nudge me to share with my client all that God has done this far. So I shared with him what had happened over the past two days. At the end of his appointment he paid and gave an extra $30 telling me to put it towards our adoption. I ofcourse said, "please only if you want to. Don't feel like you must." And he urged me to take it saying that he thinks its a great thing.
1/22/10...Not all days can be great, right!? Satan tries to discourage me. Later that day our Bethany caseworker called (our first phone conversation) and after adoption chatter...I explained to her things I was struggling with...and asked her professional opinion. She explained that their will always be someone who doubts us, questions us and will refuse to journey with us. She encouraged us to fundraise now and get a wonderful group of people who love help support us emotionally, financially and prayerfully. And I couldn't agree more! What a blessing to know God is taking us step by step and all we have to do is BE obedient!
1/24/10...Had a terrific worship @ church today. I can't explain how the Spirit filled me and we prayed for my Sister in Christ who is battling cancer. Cancer is evil. I guess this has little to do w/ our adoption journey except that she totally admires us for our decision to adopt and wants us to adopt one for her! ;)
Posted by Micah at 4:07 PM 0 comments