Monday, February 22, 2010

Pray for Hope for can you help?

*There are approximately 5 million of the world's estimated 147 million orphans in Ethiopia alone.
*10% of infants die during or shortly after birth.
*One out of ten children die before reaching their 1st birthday.
*One out of eight die before reaching their 5th birthday.
*The median age in Ethiopia is 17.
* The average life expectancy is 45.
*The average family of 6-7 people lives in a 30 sq. meter mud and thatch hut.
*16% of the population lives on less than $1 a day.
*Half of Ethiopia's children will never attend school, and 88% never attend secondary school.
*Aids, hunger and poverty are driving families to give up; 1 in 3 adults are HIV+.
*Almost half of children under the age of 5 are malnourished.
*Over 1 million people died in the drought of 1984.
*A quarter of Ethiopia's population does not have access to clean drinking water--a major contributor to diseases


Kendra said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! So fun to find more friends who are going through the adoption process. I am excited for you to begin your journey--we'll keep you in our prayers and we'll be watching you HERE! :0)


Kristi J said...

hey, thanks for your question..I truly have never heard of ANY awful stories about older children out of Ethiopia..generally,they are very sheltered and innocent compared to the rest of the world due to their extreme poverty and lack of exposure....I have a friend right now bringing home 4 and the oldest of that sibling group is 11!! In my opinion, from what I've seen over the last couple of years, older children in Ethiopia are coming to the US and adjusting very well...Check out waiting children on agency lists and you might fall in love with someone specific, kristi

ally said...

Hi, I read your comment on the Johnson family blog about your curiosity about adopting older siblings. I would love to share our experience with you and tell you about some wonderful kids in ethiopia that are waiting. We have 9 children and have adopted 4 times. 3 infant adoptions and 1 adoption of siblings ages 5 and 6 in Mar 2007. They have been home for 3 years and are a TOTAL joy! Please call me so I can share with you some more about the blessings of older child adoption. My number is 615-371-8002. I live in Nashville and I'm on Central time. I'll be home this evening and later this afternoon around 4:30. Please call! Ally