Sunday, January 24, 2010


Feel free to ask us questions if you like. We may or may not answer them...pending a number of things...if we feel comfortable, if we know the answer etc. Please know that I am not doing this because I feel I must or that I have to explain myself...but b/c I want to!

One question I'm sure some are thinking..."Really? You guys are adopting...but you have two little ones and you guys can have children why adoption?"

Yes we can have children! Yes we have two little ones...Z is 17 months, E is 3, and K is 14. Although our children will not be this young when we adopt. Adoption takes time and our children will go through the process with us. Brett and I did a mission trip to Kenya (although we are adopting from Ethiopia) in 2005 and God started working on my heart then. I fell in love with Africa then and still love it today. Its been a journey already in our hearts. Now it becomes a journey to make it happen. God brought us here, he laid adoption upon our heart, and we believe He will bring us through. We know that anything is possible when God is on our side.
Adoption is a beautiful. There are so many children in the world that are without parents. And Brett & I & our family have so much to give...we have been so blessed that we want to share our blessings with the less fortunate...the fatherless.

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and windows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

E is sitting here on my lap in his jammies with his blanket...he wants to type....lp[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[pppppppppppppppppp


Jennifer said...

We're happy for you. God bless.--j

Stanton Frey said...

awesome!!! will be following and praying and cheering for you.