Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feb and Ordinary Hero!

Here is what Feb looked like...
Homestudy and Dossier paperwork MADNESS! Today I will collect the final piece of paperwork for our homestudy. I may just drive up and give it all to her and then celebrate! Our caseworker is great, we both really like her.
We are still working on our dossier. Brett and I sat down and did our budget when our income tax return came in. He had a moment realizing that the dossier could be going to Ethiopia as early as June...and with that comes the $12,000.00 payment. Something I have been praying for since the beginning of Jan. (praying for June, not for his mini moment). We rest assured knowing that God brought us to this, so he will bring us through it. God is THE ONE capable of providing every single cent needed for this adoption. Praise Him...always.
We have launched with Ordinary Hero. Kelly has adopted a son from Ethiopia as well as her sisters. I may get a chance to meet her in Morton Illinois in April! I love chatting with Moms who have adopted...b/c they GET IT. Check out the apparel and accessories you can purchase through them to help us raise money!

Ordinary Hero Fundraising Website