Friday, March 30, 2012

March was a BUSY month.

We met our boys for the first time. There are just no words for it. They are hand picked angels from Jesus entrusted to us to love and raise for Him, until they meet again. What an honor to even be consider for this huge responsibility. The boys are beautiful. Perfect smiles.

Next to meeting our precious angels, I truly enjoyed giving out candy, food and toys to the street children. There is nothing better than hearing their giggles and seeing their smiles. From the street, I could see this little girl standing in a dark doorway. I looked through my bag to see what I had left that she might like. I had a bright pink Valentino Ty bear, brand new in excellent clean condition. As I approached her, slowly, her Dad spotted me and he jumped up, picked up his darling daughter and brought her to me and with pure delight and a huge smile she loved the bear. She will cherish that teddy longer than most American children would care to. She will love the stuffing out of it. It may very well be her favorite toy, her only toy.
I count it a blessing to be able to walk in an impoverished land, and love as Jesus would.