Monday, August 22, 2011

Its a new day....

Our adoption (I feel like I say this all the time) is a spiritual journey. Please, allow me to be transparent. Somedays I do fine, I know in my heart and my head that God has all the finances of our adoption worked his perfect timing. Other days when I look at the price thermometer we have hanging in our kitchen, and I see the HUGE amount due at the next step...I get discouraged. I let go of my faith and become completely overwhelmed and anxious. Oh, yes, I know that is sinful. I get angry at myself for allowing myself to even get to that point. There is no justification for it. It is how God is working on me through this adoption.
I remember when we first started, I wasn't worried or concerned at all about the expenses. I knew throughout my whole being that Jesus would take care of it ALL. (Brett and I have completely flip flopped in this respect). Somewhere along the way my logic took over. I try to figure out how to make the ends meet for the next financial step. I keep telling myself...."let go and let God." "Allow Him to work this out, and show Himself in a mighty way." "This is God's thing, not Micah's." It is of Satan to attack when I'm most vulnerable. He waits till I'm on the edge wondering how we are going to make the next step work and he ATTACKS. You don't see the attack, because it happens within me. It is a war raging within me. Its frustrating that I allow myself to fall into his pit of lies and deceit. BUT, I'm hear to tell you...
God loves me, my family and those two tiny African orphans so much! He is FAITHFUL. God does pull through everytime. And thankfully, he is mighty to save and forgive, sinful me...not just one time, two, three or four times...but everytime I fall for one of Satan's lies.
We have been working the past few days on trying to get sales through Ordinary Hero because they are offering a $500 grant to the highest seller. We currently have a $23 sale. The grant offer ends tomorrow. This phone rang. A lady from Ohio who has SEVEN children called and asked me about our adoption and where we were at financially. I asked her if I could be honest with her...and I shared the above struggles with her. She was sooo encouraging. She prayed for me and encouraged me in this journey. Three of her children are adopted. She knows first hand. God provided every penny for all three of her adoptions. And she said, "I want to give you $1,000.00 today towards your adoption." Yes, it took my breathe away...and then the tears came. Why do I allow myself to take my eyes off of Jesus? Why do I allow myself to fret for one minute? Why can I not remember that God loves those precious orphans more than I do? Why can I not remember HE is the created of all living things? A $30,000-$50,000 adoption is nothing for Him. The only reason I know that makes any sense is...I'm human. Lousy reason, I know! But God is finished with me yet
If God moves you to give, you can give via the chipin link on the right hand side of our blog. You can purchase an item through Ordinary Hero (link on the top right), we get 40% of those sales. If you would like to make a donation and receive a tax write-off, please contact me. Have a Blessed Day!

Philippians 1:6...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus