Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cards Galore! And Valentines Day goodies.

$3 (pic below is the inside of the card pictured above)


Thanks for visiting our adoption blog! Here are handmade cards that me and my kids have done. Mostly me...but if you have kids, you know how it projects are a lot of work! ;) We are listing suggested donations below each picture. If you are interested in purchasing one, please email me, phone me or leave a comment with your contact info. We truly appreciate your support.

$2.50 (top outside, below inside...this card curled a bit b/c we used spritzer on it)


$3 (The cards listed from here and below are blank on the inside unless it says otherwise)



$2.50 (This one says "Friend" in black on the inside)



Monday, January 10, 2011


I try...when God lays something on my pursue it with a passion. Which is what I have done with our Ethiopian adoption. I've attended classes, prayed, filled out paperwork, prayed some more, paid fees etc. The orphans of Africa are on my heart everyday.
Two weeks ago today I was hitting the treadmill pretty hard at noon. I'm never at the gym at noon, but since my teenager was home on Christmas break, she was able to sit with the little ones. I have practically become obsessed with adoption...mentally anyways. It just happens, its part of the journey. During my last mile God asked me, "if I had something else in mind for your adoption, would you be open to it?" I literally felt shocked by his question, breathless for a brief moment. I think I even said, "Really God? You are asking me that, NOW? You do see how much I love Africa and her orphans!" Probably not wise to question God and although it didn't feel like thats what I was doing at the time, I probably was! I was very honest and said, "I don't know." I want to be obedient regardless. I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in America and in Africa. I did my cool down and left the gym. A few blocks from the gym was a woman carrying a car seat in one hand and a child in the other and a baby bag. I did think...well thats odd, why is she carrying a car seat? I hesistated to pick her up. I figured she was probably going to the woman's house (I know it as a recovery home for addicts) and it was only a block away...she doesn't have much further to go. God said..."Micah, its still a good block away and you know that stuff is heavy and its cold outside!" Can you say...BE OBEDIENT! I'm I turned around and asked her if she would like a ride. She said, "sure but I'm not sure where I am going, my boyfriend was suppose to pick me up at the liquor store." I invited her along to Wal-mart with me, if nothing else to stay warm! We sat in my car for a little over an hour. She shared some of her life story with me. I won't share all the details but I will say she has a 9 month old baby girl, she is pregnant again, she is in a very rough spot in her life and she isn't sure she can keep the baby. After an hour went by, I helped her get situated with her boyfriend and I did my shopping. God prompted my heart to invite them all for supper, but they were already gone. But I said I would be OBEDIENT if I ran into them again. Sure enough as I was checking out they came around the corner, so I asked them to dinner and they accepted! I have to be honest and say I really didn't think they would come. Not because they strike me as the type of people who promise and don't deliever b/c that isn't the case. She is very clean, sweet, and proper. She doesn't look, sound or act like a drug addict or an alcoholic or a person that is in a tight spot that would be in a rehab home (whatever that person may look like!). She isn't in a rehab home after all, but she is in a shelter and without a job. If anything I thought they wouldn't come b/c they would think I'm a Crazy Christian person! Which I am. They came and we ate together. Sunday would come and she would go to church with me and hear Louie Giglio via big screen and hear just about those Crazy Christians, and I knew in my heart that sermon was for me and her. Because I want her to be a Crazy Christian too. And the next Sunday came and she went to church with us again! And this week I will take her to her first ultrasound, so she can see her baby.
Yes at first my emotions were running high b/c I knew God had just asked me "the question" fifteen minutes before meeting this girl. And yes at times, I still can't help but wonder what God is doing here...if it has anything to do with our intention to adopt. But I lay that all down at the feet us Jesus and think HE is doing something much more important here. God is after her heart. He wants her to know Him as her Savior. And that is where Brett and I truly come in. We are to bear witness for Him. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are to be a light in a dark world. And that world is really dark and dim for some people who are alone and face mountains they feel they cannot climb alone. I don't want to be her friend for personal gain. I want her to know Jesus and know that Jesus loves her right where she is at. And that He will be faithful and will take great care of her and her babies, if she will allow Him to.
Would I be open to adopting her child? I've asked myself that loads of times. And the answer that I know in my heart to be true is...If that is what God is calling us to, absolutely b/c I want to be above all else OBEDIENT to HIM. She has not asked us to. She has said she will give it up for adoption. She may change her mind. Either way I want to be here for her.
And my heart is still in Africa. I finally came to peace when I realized, its not...adopt a child from America OR adopt a child from Africa. God doesn't work in such a small box. He is THE Glorious, Almighty, God of the Universe...if He wants us to have a child from the US...we will. From Africa...we will. From the US and Africa...we will. Because He is faithful and able! And we are NOTHING apart from HIM.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It has been a crazy week. Lots of listening to God and praying over what he is asking. Sometimes I think He just likes to put us through a lot of soul searching and refining. Z and E have been sick this past week and yesterday they graciously gave it to me...fever and all. :( Its ok, I'm still breathing. And its nice to be able to slow down...not b/c I want to, but b/c I'm being forced to. Probably is the only way it would happen anyways. Good news...we have changed up the shirts and our profile a bit on
So there are a few new shirts available! I'm so thankful this fundraising option is available to us, it has been incredibly easy on our end thus far! Be sure to check it out! Keep praying for us. We have a ton of paperwork ahead of us and I could be working on it today, but I tire easily being this sick!
Blessings; Micah